Take a break - feel the Art


10ā€“14. jul 2024.

Otvaranje u 19:00

Slika za Take a break - feel the Art

Poslednja izmena: 9. jul 2024.

Broj pregleda: 234

Veliki muzički festival EXIT u Novom Sadu poznat je po dobroj zabavi, novim poznanstvima, velikom broju poseta iz regiona, Evrope i sveta, ali i odličnom provodu. Nakon noćnog i jutarnjeg provoda na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi, posetite Galeriju Matice srpske i upoznajte se sa delima Save Sekulića i Ilije Bosilja! Kroz vođenje na engleskom jeziku saznaćete viÅ”e o ova dva međunarodno priznata umetnika.

Galerija Matice srpske organizuje program Take a break ā€“ feel the Art in The Gallery of Matica srpska sa željom da tokom trajanja EXIT festivala promoviÅ”e umetnost i kulturnu baÅ”tinu koja se čuva u Galeriji Matice srpske i na taj način je približi stranim turistima. Pored izuzetnog programa koji nudi festival, posetioci imaju mogućnost da se u popodnevnim satima upoznaju sa istorijom umetnosti i uživaju u prijatnom ambijentu Galerije Matice srpske. Izložba Svesno napuÅ”tanje realnosti: Ilija Bosilj i Sava Sekulić predstavlja 67 radova ova dva umetnika iz različitih muzejskih kolekcija, a prate je i dva dokumentarna filma: film o Iliji Bosilju delo je reditelja Žike Mitrovića nastalo u produkciji Centarfilma, dok film o Savi Sekuliću potpisuje Slobodan PeÅ”ić i nudi i segmente razgovora sa samim umetnikom. Izložbu dopunjuje dokumentacija među kojom je i pismo Žana Dibifea o Ilijinoj umetnosti nastalo kada ga je Dibife uvrstio u svoju kolekciju (koja danas čini Collection dellā€™Art Brut u Lozani). S obzirom na značaj umetničkih opusa koji su izloženi, jer se radi o dva međunarodno najpriznatija autora iz domena sirove umetnosti, ali i o opusima koji se od samog nastanka kreću na graničnom području savremene i art brut umetnosti, izložba ima i određen teorijsko umetnički aspekat koji doprinosi njenom značaju.

Stručna vođenja kroz ovu atraktivnu novu izložbu na engleskom jeziku organizuju se u periodu trajanja EXIT festivala od srede, 10. jula do nedelje, 14. jula u tri termina: 13.00, 15.00 i 17.00 sati. Ulaznica je 400,00 dinara.


EXIT festival in Novi Sad is known for fun, new acquaintances, large number of visits from the region, Europe and the world, as well as a great time. After a fantastic night at the Petrovaradin Fortress, visit the Gallery of Matica srpska and familiarize yourself with the works of Sava Sekulić and Ilija Bosilj! Through a guided tour in English, you will learn more about these two internationally recognized artists.

During the EXIT festival the Gallery of Matica srpska prepared a special program Take a break, feel the Art in the Gallery of Matica srpska to promote art to foreign tourists and to familiarize them with a cultural heritage kept in the Gallery of Matica srpska. In addition to a great variety of programs that the festival offers, this year, visitors will have a chance to hear a story about the history of art and enjoy the pleasant ambience of the Gallery. The exhibition A conscious abandonment of reality: Sava Sekulić i Ilija Bosilj presents 67 works of these two artists from different museum collections, and is accompanied by two documentary films: the film about Ilija Bosilj is the work of director Žika Mitrović and was produced by Centarfilm, while the film about Sava Sekulić is directed by Slobodan PeÅ”ić also offers segments of conversations with the artist himself. The exhibition is complemented by documentation, including a letter from Jean Dibiffe about Ilijaā€™s art, written when Dibiffe included it in his collection (which today forms the Collection dellā€™Art Brut in Lausanne). Considering the importance of the artistic works that are exhibited, because they are two of the most internationally recognized authors from the domain of raw art, but also about works that from the very beginning move in the border area of ā€‹ā€‹contemporary and art brut, the exhibition also has a certain theoretical artistic aspect that contributes to its importance.

Guided tours through this attractive new exhibition in English are organized during the EXIT festival from Wednesday, the 10th of July to Sunday, the 14th of July in three terms: 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. The ticket for a guided tour costs 400 RSD.

Flajer za Take a break - feel the Art

Flajer za Take a break - feel the Art

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