Erich Von Kollar (HU)


petak / 19. apr 2024.



Club Tunnel

Novi Sad

Club Tunnel

Objavljeno: 18. apr 2024. / poslednja izmena: 26. apr 2024.

Broj pregleda: 210

Slika za Erich Von Kollar (HU)

Deep, melodic, organic progressive house all night - Club Tunnel welcomes Erich Von Kollar - this Friday, April 19th!

This Friday, we're welcoming Hungarian DJ and producer Erich Von Kollar to our place. Resident of the legendary Proton radio, the name behind the Stellar Fountain label, obligatory support for Hernan Cattaneo, Nick Warren, and other giants of the progressive scene, and a beloved and often seen guest at the heart of Petrovaradin Fortress.

And how could this guest appearance pass without the strong support of our Migazz?

See you in the dark.


Before midnight - 700RSD

After midnight - 1000RSD

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