MANEVARIM sesh with Sev Dah


subota / 10. feb 2024.



Code Klub


Code Klub

Objavljeno: 9. feb 2024. / poslednja izmena: 12. apr 2024.

Broj pregleda: 272

Slika za MANEVARIM sesh with Sev Dah

Sev Dah

The night is young and full of groove and proper techno sounds all around, come early the kick starts at 22h.

Official after party information will be disclosed on the dance floor so dance your ass off w/ stellar lineup at the afters as well!

Berlin, Detroit, Birmingham and, of course, Sarajevo. Bosnian-built and -bred Sev Dah may be a Swedish expat, but the Balkan blackness clings strongly to the bleak percussions and rigidly uneasy synthetics that unwillingly fuse into his strongly individual take on techno. Authentically purveying the pulsations of the nakedly throbbing and ugly world, far away from Starbucks and H&M.

Signed to respected labels such as Random Island, Mote-Evolver, Komisch and Frozen Border sublabel Naked Index he quickly gnawed his way into the scene’s core of DJs and producers. Sev is even managing new projects on his own label Proletarijat since 2016. Like a rabid mongrel, since 1998 he has been chewing and belching new bastard beats that are aching to scream out. Consequently there’s a steaming and steady stream of vinyl releases coming.

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