Gordan Live


petak / 24. jan 2025.



Klub Karmakoma


Klub Karmakoma

Objavljeno: 25. dec 2024.

Broj pregleda: 869

Slika za Gordan Live

Ancient and contemporary find a middle ground in Gordan, a trio of Svetlana Spajić, Andi Stecher, and Guido Mobius.

Svetlana Spajić is known globally as the keeper of the traditional songs from the Balkans and collaborator of Marina Abramović, Robert Wilson, and Anohni. When working with drummer Andi and bass/electronics player Guido, besides using traditional songs, Svetlana writes new stories that stray into electronic abstractions.

Their debut, "Down in the Meadow," on Morphine Records, got immediate praise. The sophomore album "Gordan" from May of 2024, recorded at the infamous Morphine Raum in Berlin, takes their cauldron recipes even further.

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