Zaltan :: Vlada Janjić :: Cosmic G


petak / 24. maj 2024.



Klub Karmakoma


Klub Karmakoma

Objavljeno: 13. maj 2024. / poslednja izmena: 14. maj 2024.

Broj pregleda: 328

Slika za Zaltan :: Vlada Janjić :: Cosmic G

Zaltan (@zaltan_antinote) is back in the coty in the company of Belgrade nightlife doyen, Vlada Janjić (@vladimirjanjic), and the prolific Cosmic G (@cosmicggg).

Zaltan runs hands-down one of our favorite labels out there, the mighty Antinote. With releases from Front de Cadeaux, lUEKE, Nico Motte, River Yarra, Céline Gillain, Syracuse, and Tolouse Low Trax in the catalog, you get the picture of why that’s the case and what type of eclecticism to expect from a Zaltan set. Set your clock for proto-house, leftfield psychedelics, and exotic surprises from around the world.

Stoked to have Vlada Janjić in the club for the occasion, paired with Cosmic G for extra support.

TICKETS soon and @residentadvisor

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