MANEVARIM SESH: 16 hours of hypnotic grooves with BENZA(ESP) and many others


nedelja / 25. avg 2024.



Para Klub


Para Klub

Objavljeno: 5. avg 2024. / poslednja izmena: 6. avg 2024.

Broj pregleda: 788

Slika za MANEVARIM SESH: 16 hours of hypnotic grooves with BENZA(ESP) and many others

On Sunday 25th, the sun will rise at 06:00. There is a whole lot happening throughout the day with the crew of Mande, Matkec, and Benza, along with our own MANEVARIM squad! Prepare for a pure hypnotic journey in the new Para Klub.

“BENZA is an emerging talent from Madrid who is rapidly growing in the scene thanks to his productions. From deep to groove, his sets and productions are characterised by a raw and futuristic sound that pursues a single goal, to bring energy and movement to the dancefloor.

After patiently refining his musical vision, BENZA’s first productions emerged at the end of 2023, debuting with a solo EP featured by the renowned Dutch label K92’s “One To Watch” series. Since then, he has made appearances on esteemed labels such as Akronym, Secta Collective, Beluga or RI7MO.

A resident of the Madrid-based collective Symbole Community, BENZA currently lives in Berlin, where he continues to develop his artistic career.”

It's gonna be a daytime frenzy!!

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