Maï-Linh fka Mimi (FRA), Johana, Tadi


petak / 27. sep 2024.



Klub Karmakoma


Klub Karmakoma

Objavljeno: 25. sep 2024.

Broj pregleda: 225

Slika za Maï-Linh fka Mimi (FRA), Johana, Tadi

Formerly known as Mimi, Macadam, and Rinse France resident Maï-Linh will grace the Karmakoma booth alongside Tadi and LOOKWHO’SBACK! Johana.

CTW Podcasts series founder Maï-Linh is a seraph of many wings, from downtempo darkwave psychedelia to the clear skies of progressive house and raveland. For this, she’ll spend hours combing the ‘80s and ‘90s sections on Discogs. Let’s see that on the spot!

Hey, Belgrade, let’s get excited about Johana’s comeback! The Banda Panda co-founder was never a secret among our weapons, but we haven’t heard from her for too long. Stand in line for this one!

Tadi has a 100/100 score at Karmakoma, and we can’t decide if we loved her more after Objekt or in b2b sessions with Kir and Feloneezy.

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