KULT:R :: Aleksandra Duende, Ana Uzelac, Luton


sreda / 24. apr 2024.



Klub Kult


Klub Kult

Objavljeno: 23. apr 2024. / poslednja izmena: 26. apr 2024.

Broj pregleda: 192

Slika za KULT:R :: Aleksandra Duende, Ana Uzelac, Luton

Ana Uzelac
Aleksandra Duende

KULT:R is a unique combination of the party which takes place in a special part of the club Kult, and recorded video sets posted on the club's YouTube channel. The goal is a promotion of local talented artists, and their mutual musical connection, but also to connect them with foreign artists who will often be part of the line-up. KULT:R is that perfect place, a meeting point for like-minded people and specific electronic music genre lovers.

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