Filip Xavi


subota / 23. nov 2024.



Klub Drugstore


Klub Drugstore

Objavljeno: 14. nov 2024. / poslednja izmena: 19. nov 2024.

Broj pregleda: 471

Slika za Filip Xavi

If anyone can take you on a journey through dimensions, wormholes and galaxies in one night, it's the synonym for Drugstore, resident DJ Filip Xavi.

Since the club's inception, Filip Xavi has delivered some of the most solid sets the club has heard. When he has the whole club to himself, that's when he's the best. Techno from the beginning to the end of the evening with MindTrip, Newrhythmic, Mord, Semantica, SUBSIST, Sonntag Morgen, Decoder signee.

Slična dešavanja

Klub Drugstore dešavanja

Najnovije na Urban BUG-u