Carlos Souffront (USA), Schwabe


subota / 14. sep 2024.



Klub Karmakoma


Klub Karmakoma

Objavljeno: 11. sep 2024.

Broj pregleda: 318

Slika za Carlos Souffront (USA), Schwabe

THIS SATURDAY, Karmakoma is beyond stoked to give you one of the greatest in the game, the inimitable Carlos Souffront from Detroit.

See, Carlos was doing stuff that sounds like from the future at the turn of the millennium. His now legendary "Back To Mono," chopped in four parts and sandpapered to dust by his pal BMG of Ectomorph is one of our favorite recordings. It's club music pushed to the extreme.

Forget about Carlos owning the biggest acid collections in the world since the man said he knows people with far more records. But he definitely owns one of the tastiest record collections and he is eager to show you that this Saturday.

Give it up for Schwabe who will open the night.

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