
Marko Nastić, Janko


subota / 2. nov 2024.



Club Tunnel

Novi Sad

Club Tunnel

Objavljeno: 29. okt 2024. / poslednja izmena: 2. nov 2024.

Broj pregleda: 255

Slika za Marko Nastić, Janko

Rawr! Tiger is calling you - MARKO NASTIĆ this Saturday at Club Tunnel!

For over 25 years, electronic music guru Marko Nastić has been a cornerstone of the local and regional scene. His work and production have left a mark on all of Europe’s most important clubs and festivals, and he's known for spotting and supporting emerging talent. A master of his craft, he continually amazes and surprises us with innovations, leaving audiences breathless time and time again.

This time, he’ll be joined at the heart of the Petrovaradin Fortress by Janko, a beloved local expat bringing the spirit of Asia to life with his signature groovy sets.

See you on the dance floor!


Before midnight - 700RSD
After midnight - 1000RSD

Slična dešavanja

Najnovije na Urban BUG-u