Kristijan Molnar REPRIZA


ponedeljak / 1. jan 2024.



Klub 20/44


Klub 20/44

Objavljeno: 29. dec 2023. / poslednja izmena: 12. apr 2024.

Broj pregleda: 236

Slika za Kristijan Molnar REPRIZA

With a secret formula for an always tonic and crowded party, Kristijan Molnar is an absolute fav in Serbia's capital! A regular in Belgrade's infamous clubs and a headliner at all of our big festivals, he proudly hosts a radio show with a nationwide broadcast, has a residency in Croatia, and owns a regularly updated list of other international performances!

Just like in his DJ sets, through his Christallization show at a state-owned radio station, he is devoted to promoting gripping and exciting acts and broadcasting a wide range of saucy music; from deep techno, twisted disco, NYC house, weirdo-dark, and modern wave, bitter beats, or sweet soul. He fuses dance music from all sides of the world for his bang-up all-nighters. His international career is getting stronger every year with performances in the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Georgia, Cyprus, and Croatia.

His style of playing is quite adaptive and has pleased the crowds at festivals like EXIT, Lovefest, Sonus, or Sea Dance. There's a memorable Stereotip party, the notorious closing of the Dance Arena, H A ï K U party in Paris, and more recently Boiler Room session at 20/44.

He shared the DJ booth with the industry's mighty names such as Black Coffee, Âme, Rødhåd, Dixon, Morphosis, Jeff Mills, Red Axes, Tale of Us, Job Jobse, and more.

Being jauntily versatile, always positive, and describing himself as a predominantly curious DJ, he is highly intuitive and will never fail to spice up the gig at the exact right moment, so he can create a smashing atmosphere and a lifelong memory for an expansive scope of audiences.

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