Felix Dickinson (UK), Vlada Janjić, Tsunamica


petak / 15. nov 2024.



Klub Karmakoma


Klub Karmakoma

Objavljeno: 5. nov 2024.

Broj pregleda: 344

Slika za Felix Dickinson (UK), Vlada Janjić, Tsunamica

NOVEMBER 15 | Love International resident Felix Dickinson brings the Cynic spirit to Karmakoma alongside Vlada Janjić and Nevena Stanković.

Now thirty years in the biz, Felix’s first days included running the Ugly label and learning the craft at illegal raves. Being good at naming labels, Felix started another one, Cynic, and released music on Rush Hour, DFA, Futureboogie, Eskimo, and Claremont 56... Recently, he’s been touring the globe thanks to his residencies at Block 9 in Glastonbury, the Houghton festival, and Croatia’s Love International. Speaking of the latter, joining Felix is the sunset charmer and our summer festival ambassador, Nevena Stanković! To top it all, Apgrade’s Vlada Janjić is back in the club!

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