DJ Brka, Nikola Vemić, Petko & Oliver


petak / 16. avg 2024.



Klub Karmakoma


Klub Karmakoma

Objavljeno: 12. avg 2024.

Broj pregleda: 349

Slika za DJ Brka, Nikola Vemić, Petko & Oliver

THIS FRIDAY | Disco Not Disco founder meets D59B Radio posse and Lift/Lovefest programmer.

One can only dream of the status DJ Brka has secured for himself throughout the years as the 20/44 resident DJ and co-founder of one of the most important nights in Belgrade nightlife history, Disco Not Disco. One of his (and Schwabe’s) master boss moves was using his Boiler Room slot not to show off masterful DJ skills but to introduce Yugo gems to a broader audience.

Petko and Oliver have been running the Berlin-Belgrade @radio.d59b operation for quite some time, giving many local names a platform to be one of the coolest things you can be on this planet, a radio host.

Nikola Vemić is joining them fresh off the 17th edition of Lovefest where he got to hang out with Laurent Garnier, DJ Deep, and more.

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