Eternal Love (ITA) , Sergej Krstić, Little Lu
SEPTEMBER 13 | Federico and Eduardo of Eternal Love, Italian diggers of timeless obscurities, bring their plan for the reforestation of Karmakoma with tropical plants.
The duo’s electrifying style fits best during summer, and how lucky are we to have them at the end of Karmakoma season 1! Our guests shared the stage with heavyweights like Hunee, Prosumer, and Habibi Funk. They hosted Mr. Scru or Jeremy Underground at their Amore Eterno party series, but what sets them apart from the rest is not the namedropping list of any kind. It’s their energy and the party within them. Plug in for free positivity.
Sergej Krstić and Little Lu fall into the eternal vortex of love and wanna inform you they’ll be staying there for now.
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